Useful links
This is a list (in no particular order) of links to blogs and talks containing advice that I’ve found useful.
- Lessons Learned in Software Development
- Code standards that matter
- Signs that you’re a good programmer
- Right the First Time
- Git tips from the trenches (handy git advice)
- Lesser known Git commands
- Ten Steps to Better Public Speaking
- Zen of test suites
- How to Boost Your Skills to Become a Better Developer
- Simple made easy. Talk by Rich Hickey about aiming for simplicity in software
- Refactoring Code Smells. Series of blog posts about refactoring various code smells.
- Simple techniques for code excellence. Talk about refactoring techniques.
- Design, Composition and Performance. Talk by Rich Hickey about designing software systems.
- The Practical Test Pyramid. A good overview and discussion of different levels of testing and when to use them when building an application.
- Mentoring & Coaching - Finding your outer Miyagi. A great discussion of how to be a good technical coach.
- Learn In Public. A very motivating post about how learning in public can be a beneficial activity.